Do you get frustrated or confused with all the information you see online on how to improve your health?

Do you spend hours googling your digestive symptoms and can't figure out a solution that works for you?

Do you want to learn scientifically proven methods to reduce your bloating and regulate your bowels?

Do you want to stop stressing about what you can and can not eat?

Are you not sure how to eat to support weight loss, hormone balance, and overall organ health?

Do you want more energy and mental clarity throughout your day to day?

Do you want to learn how to regulate your blood sugar to support your hormone health?

Well, you're in the right place, that's exactly what you can learn quickly with

Olivia has helped over 200 clients restore their digestion and improve their gut health and energy! She has taken clients with severe bloating, IBS, heartburn, PMS, skin issues, and stomach pains, and helped them achieve a nourished, energized, and symptom free life! 

Everything starts in the gut. After working with hundreds of clients, Olivia started to see a pattern with each of their symptoms. 

"All symptoms start with the basics, foundations of nutrition. Sometimes there could be something so small off with digestion that it's affecting the whole system. That is why we are going back to the foundations in this course to get to the ROOT CAUSE of symptoms. Everything starts in the gut and we all deserve to feel good, and it really can be simple!"

Olivia has a very root cause approach to nutritional therapy and specializes in functional stool testing and food sensitivity blood testing and creates supplement protocols and plans for her 1:1 clients. She is so excited about this course and feels the knowledge and valuable resources inside are going to help so many lives and that is what fuels her work. 

What people are loving about Gut Health Blueprint...

"Difficulties, sleeping and the associated brain fog are finally a thing of the past"

Thank you Olivia, for all of your support and wonderful course! This course was perfect and gave me the step by step guidance I have been looking for for a long time. Digestion, sleep, and energy, both physically and mentally have changed dramatically. Difficulties, sleeping and the associated brain fog are finally a thing of the past. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your program was an absolute game changer for me!

-Joe L.

"Truly life changing"

Learning the foundations of health and nutrition from Olivia was truly life changing! I always thought I ate healthy and was doing all the right things, but Olivia took it one step further and educated me on science based foundations. Once I applied the tools in this course, my PMS symptoms went away, and my energy was through the roof! I wanted to prep my body to have a baby and I am so proud to say that in just a few months all of my symptoms were gone and I now have two healthy baby girls! I also had a very easy and smooth pregnancies and the tools I learned from this course I will continue to implement into my life and teach my daughters! I am so grateful! Olivia delivers information in such a thoughtful and caring way and the knowledge in this course is gold!

-Natalie S.

"So simple to follow and gives so much valuable information"

As an athlete and strength and conditioning coach, I always knew the importance of taking care of my body, but the education in this course on mechanics of digestion was something I wish I knew sooner! Eating healthy is once thing, but making sure the foundations of health are in place truly makes such a difference. There is so much information out there about gut health, but Olivia makes it so simple to follow and gives so much valuable information. This course is a great place to start for anyone looking to improve their gut health! And like Olivia says, everything starts in the gut!

-Matt S.


Healing is possible!

You deserve to feel good!

"Nutrition can be fun, and once you have science based tools in your back pocket, it really becomes a lifestyle!"